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Functional Fitness

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Functional fitness exercises train your muscles to work together and prepare them for daily tasks by simulating common movements you might do at home, at work or in sports. While using various muscles in the upper and lower body at the same time, functional fitness exercises also emphasize core stability.


TACFIT FireFighter is a good example of how functional fitness should be designed;


Key to functional exercise is integration. It’s about teaching all the muscles to work together rather than isolating them to work independently, many times is used to engaging and strengthen certain muscles that you use everyday in order to decrease the risk of injury. Exercises for each individual are different based on the demand that one places on their body and for their specific goals.



Functional fitness is less about spot-training specific vanity muscles like biceps and abs, and more about getting stronger at compound movements you can use in real life, These types of exercises put less wear and tear on muscles and joints, and help improve coordination, balance, and stability.



In more of our coming post, we will be dwelling on the advantages on Functional Training and how it can benefit you.


2 thoughts on “Functional Fitness”

  1. I wanted to share with you something I created – the Home & Travel WOD Generator.

    It’s a free web page that will randomly provide one of hundreds of no-gym, no-equipment hotel and home friendly workouts. It also has a built-in timing function for Tabata, AMRAP, EMOM, or a plain stopwatch. It includes many classic CrossFit bodyweight WODs.

    It can be found at:


    This is a great tool you can provide to your members during the upcoming busy fall months – for those that may be on vacation, traveling for the holidays, or otherwise unable to make it to class. The web page is free, and will always be free – no ads, no pop-ups, no ask for an email address.

    If you think this would be of use for your members, would you consider sharing on Facebook or Twitter, posting a link on your WOD blog, or maybe in any “resources” pages you may have?

    Thanks in advance,


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