
Price includes study guide and test. Earn your Group Fitness Certificate and 4.0 IFTA CEC’s with passing score.

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This Certification includes the study guide emailed to you, downloadable video review (5 downloads allowed) of the study material led by IFTA Master Fitness Presenter / Instructor Greg Sims.

It also includes 2 downloadable videos instructing correct exercises, form, safety issues for a typical Group Fitness workout. The written test will be emailed to you once you complete the downloaded videos and email IFTA your completed study guide.

If you do not have the textbook, go to the heading “Textbooks” to see the title and/or order it to be shipped to you.

Note: Download and view on your computer, not your phone or Ipad.
Must email proof of ID before IFTA emails the test.


  • Order the course and the Group Fitness study guide is included as a download. If you do not have the textbook, you may order it to be shipped.
  • You have 30 days to complete the study guide and email or mail it back to IFTA. You are given 5 opportunities to download the video of Greg Sims reviewing the material/test information.
  • You have 30 days to watch the 2 practical dvd’s that are available by download….please tell IFTA your selections within 3 days of ordering.
  • Once IFTA receives your completed study guide, you are emailed the written test.

*Proof of current CPR must be sent to IFTA within 3 months of starting this process.