Trifecta Shoes
Race #1 – Beast
This pair of Reebok All-Terrain shoes began its OCR (Obstacles Course Racing) journey since Nov 2016 in Bintan, Indonesia.  It participated in the Reebok Spartan Beast alongside with other all-terrain and non all-terrain shoes.  It went into “muah chee” state for most of the 6 hours, aiding me in completion of the gruelling 21+km with 50+ obstacles race. 

Race #2 – Sprint
Conquered KL Sprint in March 2017.  This is my second Spartan Sprint event and it happens to be my second overseas race as well.  Thoroughly enjoyed this race as I get to complete it with three other business partners.  However, due to its harsh terrain, I took much longer to complete this Sprint versus the last Sprint in Nov 2015.

Race #3 – Super
Happened on last Saturday, this pair of sneakers completed its Spartan Trifecta.  Blissfulness… more races to go!

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